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What can I do?
Well quite a lot actually. Here - we outline key areas where you can start making a real difference. You can browse All Posts and see the latest first - or dive into a category using the labels below.
The Climate Coach
Nov 17, 20232 min read
Hydrogen or Heat Pumps?
Back in March, we wrote about the options for stopping to use gas at home - being based around waiting for hydrogen or getting a heat...
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The Climate Coach
Aug 25, 20233 min read
Octopus Energy
When talking about energy usage, energy tariffs or reviewing your energy supplier - you may have heard about Octopus Energy. Who are they...
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The Climate Coach
Aug 12, 20233 min read
The food "waste" that no-one is talking about...
When you think of food waste - you are probably thinking of the food that you (or someone else) throw out. It could be leftovers at home...
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The Climate Coach
Jul 29, 20233 min read
Our lives won't be worse, they'll just be different
One of the big barriers to taking action on climate change is that it is often associated with having to make "sacrifices" and therefore...
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The Climate Coach
Jul 24, 20233 min read
Here's why climate change isn't a conspiracy theory...
You will have probably seen people commenting on social media posts or perhaps even in conversation that climate change is a conspiracy...
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The Climate Coach
May 14, 20233 min read
Breastfeeding - what on earth has that got to do with climate?
Good question. Breastfeeding can be a very emotive topic and as such this post is going to focus on the climate impact of breastfeeding....
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The Climate Coach
Apr 19, 20232 min read
Should I look at UK emissions or Global emissions...?
Quite a common question I come across relates different figures for emissions when split down by sectors. For example; "Transport...
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The Climate Coach
Apr 15, 20232 min read
E-fuels have been talked about in recent weeks - do they make sense?
E-fuels have been in the press recently in the EU with regulators considering allowing cars powered by e-fuels past the existing 2030...
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The Climate Coach
Apr 12, 20234 min read
EV Shorts: 4. Range
In this short series of posts, I'll cover the basics of running an electric vehicle (EV) instead of a petrol or diesel vehicle - an...
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The Climate Coach
Apr 5, 20234 min read
EV Shorts: 3. Charging speeds
In this short series of posts, we'll cover the basics of running an electric vehicle (EV) instead of a petrol or diesel vehicle - an...
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The Climate Coach
Mar 29, 20236 min read
EV Shorts: 2. Public charging
In this short series of posts, we'll cover the basics of running an electric vehicle (EV) instead of a petrol or diesel vehicle - an...
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The Climate Coach
Mar 24, 20236 min read
EV Shorts: 1. Charging at home
In this short series of posts, I'll cover the basics of running an electric vehicle (EV) instead of a petrol or diesel vehicle - an...
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The Climate Coach
Mar 5, 20232 min read
I'm changing what I eat, but what about how I cook it?
So you've made some changes to your diet for climate, eating more plants and less animal based products. Maybe you've even reduced the...
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The Climate Coach
Mar 5, 20234 min read
Gas creates emissions so how can I stop using it at home?
This is a question that comes up a lot. Natural gas is used for heating in most UK homes, as well as cooking in many. So can and should...
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The Climate Coach
Feb 18, 20235 min read
Insulate Britain - they’ve got a point to be fair!
When it comes to home insulation, the UK - despite its generally cold and rainy climate, has quite poorly insulated homes which means we...
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The Climate Coach
Feb 2, 20234 min read
Someone said doing my food shopping online is bad for climate - is that true?
In the UK, you can pretty much buy anything you need online! Even the things people said would never be bought online - like a car, can...
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The Climate Coach
Jan 21, 20234 min read
5 top tips for reducing household gas consumption/emissions, oh and your bills!
Reducing emissions from the gas you use at home can seem like an impossible task, but it is usually possible to make meaningful...
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The Climate Coach
Jan 15, 20234 min read
Does eating out at restaurants create excess waste?
Most people have at least a few meals out - either at cafe, restaurant or takeaway, and most of you have probably also seen the big waste...
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The Climate Coach
Dec 26, 20223 min read
Vegan or plant based diet - what's the difference?
Are vegan and plant based diets the same? Are both good for climate?
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The Climate Coach
Dec 4, 20224 min read
Do we have enough spare land to keep planting more trees?
How can we keep planting trees if all our land is already in use for other things? Let's find out.
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